Word of the Week #47:


More often than not, we see this word being used in conjugation with “Spirits”.

Not the United Spirits one, of course… That is different…

I wonder if it is a byproduct of the advent of technology or simply a part of growing up, but the general and steady decline in the quality of conversation cannot be ignored. Continue reading Word of the Week #47:

Writer Guy’s Tip #5: Tone and Mood

In the earlier posts, we have completed our discussion on the four primary components of fiction writing, namely Setting, Plot, Narrative, and Characters.

Now, we take a look at the components do not necessarily need to be addressed, in order to actually write a book, but can differentiate between an ordinary one and a good one.

Therefore, I would advise you to start writing only after you have read this post.

Continue reading Writer Guy’s Tip #5: Tone and Mood

Writer Guy’s Tip #3: The Narrative

Okay, a quick recap, before we begin…

So far, you should-

  1. Have a rough idea of the plot, and the primary characters of your story.
  2. Have a fair idea of the setting of your world.
  3. Have not written too much, already, or are willing to rewrite.
  4. Have, most certainly and without fail, read the previous post.

Now, this is the first time I am really urging you to read the previous post, but that is just the nature of the topics. The Plot and the Narrative have to go hand-in-hand… Continue reading Writer Guy’s Tip #3: The Narrative

Book of the Week #3:

Wuthering Heights,

by Emily Brontë

“He’s more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.”

“If he loved with all the powers of his puny being, he couldn’t love as much in eighty years as I could in a day.”

Yeah, I love this book too much to feature just one quote. And considering that this is the only “love story” I have ever read of my own accord, and truly and certainly loved, I suppose it is excusable. The combination of the strength and the simplicity of those words is definitely the most potent I have ever encountered.

Continue reading Book of the Week #3: