Word of the Week #423:


Fevers are the worst. I hate them more than almost anything else.

They just render me so… non-functional.

I can’t see or hear much. Can’t really smell or taste too well either. My whole body feels weighed down. My joints ache.

Everything feels just a little bit worse.

BUT there is one silver lining.

No, not the rest I get. I hate it.

No, the one interesting thing about fevers is the deliriums I get!

So, as I’ve mentioned over the past few weeks, I have recently resumed writing, and it’s been going pretty well. I really like the way the world is coming together.

So, while I was ill, during each of my deliriums, I got thrown into my own world, where I was watching scenes from the story suddenly come to life. Scenes that I hadn’t even conceived just yet. And they were so detailed and vivid, so alive!

It was crazy, mostly, but it was an interesting experience.

Of course, all things considered, it was still not worth the rest of the pain and discomfort. Just, we take the best from whatever we get, right?