Word of the Week #423:


Fevers are the worst. I hate them more than almost anything else.

They just render me so… non-functional.

I can’t see or hear much. Can’t really smell or taste too well either. My whole body feels weighed down. My joints ache.

Everything feels just a little bit worse.

BUT there is one silver lining.

No, not the rest I get. I hate it.

No, the one interesting thing about fevers is the deliriums I get!

So, as I’ve mentioned over the past few weeks, I have recently resumed writing, and it’s been going pretty well. I really like the way the world is coming together.

So, while I was ill, during each of my deliriums, I got thrown into my own world, where I was watching scenes from the story suddenly come to life. Scenes that I hadn’t even conceived just yet. And they were so detailed and vivid, so alive!

It was crazy, mostly, but it was an interesting experience.

Of course, all things considered, it was still not worth the rest of the pain and discomfort. Just, we take the best from whatever we get, right?

Word of the Week #422:


Tomorrow, finally, I’m taking a day off…

Oh, it’s been sooo long since I took a day off by choice. At least 3 weeks.

Between work and incessant allergies and moving and gym and every other little thing needed to just sustain life, tomorrow is a day I have assigned to live.

It is strange, I understand. Is it even sustainable? Well, I have sustained it for a few years now, so…

Not that I’d recommend it to anybody. So many of the things I do are far ill-advised for the normal person.

I love being not normal.

And I also love my days off.

Word of the Week #421:


I’m writing again!

Yey! Feels so good…

For so long, I kept feeling like the flow of my internal energy was blocked somewhere. Now, finally, it feels open and clear and free.

I feel open and clear and free.

Well, I do have adult responsibilities now, the likes of which were a decade away when I started writing, well, a decade ago. I can no longer just vanish from the real world and spend entire months inside my own worlds, but at least I have had the chance to start building a new world.

I can feel it calling to me.

Let’s see how I can manage my time and pay appropriate attention to everything that I need to get done. I could not have done this a decade ago, but today, it is a lot less daunting.

Today, I am the right man for the job.

Word of the Week #417:


So, I have been such a good boy, lately.

Almost every single day, I’ve slept around 11:30 and woken up around 6:30. Consistent. Like clockwork.

And yes, those are PM and AM respectively. I wouldn’t be surprised if people who’ve known me for any amount of time would have had that question.

Turns out, sleeping well and in a regular schedule can really help set a lot of things right. Who knew!

Well, apart from my parents, every doctor, every friend, every girl I’ve ever dated…

But hey, now I know, and isn’t that the best source of any and all knowledge?

So, ever since I got back on this track—it must have been like 3 weeks now—I have been feeling so much better in every regard!

I’m eating better, drinking water more consistently and organically, working more efficient, running faster and farther, lifting heavier, recovering faster… Is there anything else I even do?

I literally do not remember having ever felt better.

Does a runner’s high last hours? I haven’t read about it, but I wouldn’t expect so.

Maybe I’m just happy…

Is it odd how that feels almost unfamiliar?

Well, we’re here now, and it is good.

Word of the Week #415:


You know, I haven’t quite been feeling like myself over the past week or less.

The breaking of the streak last week (yes, I still want to cry just thinking about it) was just another of the obvious symptoms.

I thought long and hard about what was going wrong, and while I had some theories, I could not know for certain. Then, as it often does, an answer showed up in a project assigned to me this week. It posited that when artists do not pursue art, they tend to lose themselves.

Since I do not want to hold myself at that high a standard, I have another way to interpret that. When people with ADHD do not find something that adequately engages them, they tend to lose themselves.

In my normal day-to-day life, I have been finding myself put far too often in situations that need me to me responsible and sane. And, yes, I am good at that. But that will never be all I am. It mustn’t.

I need an outlet for all the crazy inside me! I needs to release this energy into something safe, at the very least. But sometimes in my life, those outlets do not appear as readily as I would like. Certainly not as readily as they once did.

I cannot be as reckless as I once was with sports or gym. I can feel the repercussions through the depths of my bones and joints, and I can no longer ignore them.

Even video games are hampered by my recent injury.

Reading or watching things for pleasure does give that—pleasure. However, excitement is a different beast. It won’t be summoned by something quite this passive.

Even my writing has become methodical and structured over the years of practice and observation. In the process, though, I wonder if I am losing the spontaneity that often drives good, true art.

Focusing on the craft for so long that I lose sight of my art is certainly not what I sought when I embarked on this journey.

I haven’t quite found the answer just yet.

I haven’t quite found my path.

What I do know is that I did feel like I was back to myself earlier today, and that feeling has persisted over the course of today.

Perhaps it could be the beginning of the next streak that may come to define this new phase of my simultaneously ever-changing and yet somehow immutable life.

Word of the Week #414:


After 413 weeks, my streak is finally broken. I finally missed a Tuesday night post.

I’ll be honest, I am devastated.

Hah… It has been an odd week, and I’ve had an odd day.

Argh! I am too frustrated to form coherent thoughts. Let me just go sulk for a few more hours.

Word of the Week #413:


So I have talked in the past about adaptations, particularly touching on Neflix’s live action adaptations of anime series.

Now, Netflix’s Death Note was atrocious. That’s undeniable.

But more recently, some Netflix adaptations have been relatively palatable.

By all accounts, the One Piece show was good, and over the past week, we got the much awaited Avatar live action show.

Personally, I did not like the show. It is by no means a disaster, but they are just changing WAY too much for my taste. And these are not just cosmetic changes; key plot points and characters traits which truly worked in the original and are by no means dated just yet have been warped.

And yes, there is an argument to be made—as an old friend did make—that these remakes are making the franchises accessible to a new batch of fans who grow up generally disinclined towards anime but all the while listening to people like me badgering them to try these series. This can be a softer, safer way for them to enter the fandoms.

In many ways, it is similar to how so many of us were introduced to pizzas and tacos through Pizza Hut and Taco Bell respectively.

Now, as much as I may appreciate these fast food brands for that, it is important to remember that there is more to pizzas than Pizza Hut. I hope we are not creating a community that thinks otherwise.

Word of the Week #412:


In continuation to what I was talking about last week, one thing worth noting is that when I started writing ten years ago (yes, it’s been that long), writing felt like a need. I needed to start writing and create art and explore and cultivate the artistic and creative aspects of my psyche.

Now, as a 30-year-old guy with a lot more strings on me, I want to write. I want to keep writing.

I certainly no longer feel that insane urge I used to that if I don’t write, I will either go insane and explode or just wither away and die.

I have a life now—or at least some semblance of one—that I have built with my own choices and in my own way. I want to keep living it.

At 20, there were no strings. I could jump and fly and not care about what happened beneath my lofty imaginings. The years past have grounded me, and I have somehow come to appreciate the world around me. Not fully, perhaps, but by inches, at least.

I want to write. I still believe it is a big part of who I am—and more importantly of who I could be. But it is certainly not all I am. Not anymore.

Maybe I’m not going to be The Writer Guy. Maybe I’ll just be a guy who writes.

Let’s see how things go.

Word of the Week #411:


Over the past few weeks, an old but still too familiar feeling has been rising through my body.

I didn’t expect to feel this way. I thought I had seen the futility in my desire and had outgrown my childhood—and decidedly childish—dream, but apparently not. I guess we are who we are and want what we want, right?

Over time, I have grown hesitant to say these four words. There were days—or months or even years—when it no longer felt true, as life kept taking me further and further away from that truth.

But that’s what it is, after all—the truth. And I like when it is thrown into my face as the unmissable reminder that I do tend to need.

Let me say it once again.

I am a writer.

I want to write again.

What’s the worst that could happen, right?

Let’s go!